Chennai: Former Tamil Nadu AIADMK Minister M Manikandan has been booked for rape after actress Shanthini Theva complained about the minister. The actress accused the ex-minister of making false promises to marry her and had sexually assaulted her. Also, Adyar All Women Police have booked Manikandan for criminal intimidation, miscarriage without women’s consent and causing hurt voluntarily.

The actress said that the minister has issued death threats to her while he forced her to abort. The minister, who was already married, met her in Malaysia while she was working for Malaysian Tourism and the actress claimed that the minister made her get into the relationship. She said that she was in a relationship with the minister for five years. She shared WhatsApp conversations to prove her claims.

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According to reports, Shantini further alleged in her complaint that Manikandan had even threatened to upload her personal photos and videos on the internet if she refused to leave the country.