Chennai: When other Metropolitan cities in the country see a dip in Covid cases, the virus is wreaking havoc in Tamil Nadu as the state’s Health Secretary says that the state is yet to see the peak. According to the reports in NDTV, the fatalities due to Covid-19 have been on rise as 467 Covid patients died on Friday, which is a 17.6% increase compared to the previous day.

On Friday, 36,184 Covid cases were reported from the state while 24,478 people recovered from the deadly virus. With this, the total tally of the state reached 17,70,988, and the overall number of fatalities recorded as 19,598. With the active cases stand at 2,74,629 the test positivity rate in rate is 21.8 per cent.

Also Read | India Registers 2.57 Lakh Covid Cases In Last 24 Hrs, Death Fatalities Continue To Remain Over 4000

There might be a spike in Covid cases by end of May says Principal Health Secretary J Radhakrishnan. But adhering to the lockdown and maintaining basic social distancing will help the curve flatten gradually, he added.

The health care officials claim that the state is two weeks behind other states, in view of the second wave. Healthcare has fallen behind as  result the virus had started wreaking havoc in the state alike other states. Major issues like lack of availability of beds and oxygen, lesser healthcare staff and problems in disposal of bodies are crippling the state's healthcare system. Despite the strict lockdown, there has been a rise in cases and deaths due to cases which is a reason for worry to the new government in Tamil Nadu.