A resident of Chennai for the past 35 years was arrested by Uttar Pradesh police in Chennai for producing videos criticising Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday. According to reports, Manmohan Mishra is a 62-year-old and a native of Uttar Pradesh, who was working as an agent to apply and distribute PAN and Aadhaar Cards. Manmohan was residing in Madhavaram with his family from the time they moved to Tamil Nadu 35 years ago. However, recently Mishra started making videos on social media and he runs a YouTube channel on his own in the name Manmohan Mishra

As per the report by The New Indian Express, Manmohan started making videos in Hindi and started circulating among Hindi social media users in Uttar Pradesh. Following this, some of the people took an objection and filed a complaint with Kotawali police in Uttar Pradesh. The police registered a complaint under Disaster Management Act and Epidemic Diseases Act and formed a team to trace the accused. Later, the police team traced Manmohan to Madhavaram in Chennai and reached the city on Friday. The Kotwali police had previously informed the Madhavaram police about the arrest

The police team arrested Manmohan on Saturday and produced him before the magistrate and received a transit warrant. Later, Manmohan has been taken to Uttar Pradesh on a train. 

Till now, Manmohan has reportedly made videos against Prime Minister Narendra on handling the pandemic and lockdown. He reportedly made videos on Patanjali, US-India, and China's relationship and Gujarat riots in 2002.  

Meanwhile, a report by The Hindu said that Manmohan Mishra participated in a protest in Shahjahanpur of Uttar Pradesh district where he made videos against PM Modi.