Chennai: A owner of a popular jewellery shop, Challani Jewellery, gifted bikes and cars for his employees by spending Rs 1.2 crore due to the occasion of Deepavali.

Talking to ANI, Jayanthi Lal, owner of the jewellery shop said, “They have worked with me through all ups and downs. This is to encourage their work. We are giving cars to 10 people and bikes to 20 workers.” 

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He said, the workers are not just staff but family. 

"So, I wanted to treat them like my family members by giving them such surprises. I am very happy wholeheartedly after this. Every owner should respect their staff and colleagues by giving them gifts," he told ANI.

Meanwhile, Challani Jewellery in a post on Instagram said, "It was a moment of surprise, and excitement for the employees of Challani Jewellery Mart. And as a token of that love and reflection Challani has gone way too forward to reward them with the most prestigious awards in front of their families this Diwali.”

“Totally 19 employees were rewarded with 2 wheelers and 8 employees with cars. A moment of truth, pride and excitement to all the families that watched this event making it a grand success. Let us wish them more to come this Diwali and going forward,” he said.