Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai has made significant strides in Mumbai as part of his election campaign for Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He's been fervently engaging with the South Indian community residing in Mumbai, vouching for BJP's agenda and garnering support among voters. While campaign activities were underway in Mumbai, Annamalai expressed optimism, drawing parallels between the current atmosphere and the victories of 2014 and 2019, projecting similar outcomes for 2024.

Acknowledging Prime Minister Narendra Modi's developmental efforts in Tamil Nadu, Annamalai emphasised BJP's presence and contributions across various states. He highlighted the party's commitment to nationwide progress and welfare.

Addressing recent controversies, Annamalai weighed in on statements made by Former Chairman of Indian Overseas Congress Sam Pitroda regarding governance complexities in India. He dismissed Pitroda's perspective, asserting that India is relatively easy to govern due to the unity among its people, a concept he believes the Congress fails to comprehend.

Annamalai said: “Our language, culture, customs are different but our spirit is the same. The British divided North and South, Sam Petroda has the same thinking. Congress's thinking is different regarding North East, North and South whereas Modi is uniting the country. Sam is speaking the language of East India.”

Discussing the language issue, Annamalai clarified that Tamil Nadu harbours no hostility towards Hindi but opposes its imposition. He expressed concerns about Hindi's increasing prominence in the new education policy and predicted a shift in the linguistic landscape within a decade.

Turning to the topic of national security, Annamalai criticised Congress for questioning the authenticity of surgical strikes and allegedly impugning the sacrifices of Mumbai Police during the 26/11 attacks. He defended Ujjwal Nikam, highlighting his role as the public prosecutor in the 26/11 case and lamenting Congress's opposition to his BJP candidacy.

Addressing allegations of family politics within BJP, Annamalai underscored the party's commitment to democratic principles, emphasising that leadership positions are earned based on merit rather than lineage. Annamalai said, “NDA is not run by familial leaders. In a democracy, we cannot stop anyone from contesting elections. BJP chief, Amit Shah, PM Modi are not from a family. This is a classic example of family politics not working in BJP.”

Lastly, Annamalai addressed a complaint lodged against him for a speech delivered in Madurai by Stalin-led government. He dismissed the allegations as politically motivated, asserting that they represent the views of a minority amidst Tamil Nadu's vast population.

ALSO READ: Annamalai Interview: Want To Bring Spirituality Back To Tamil Nadu Political Discourse, State BJP Chief Says