The countdown to BJP's downfall has started in Bengaluru, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Stalin said on Friday. In an exclusive interview with ABP Nadu, the CM spoke about the opposition alliance, the formation of INDIA to 'save' India and maintaining the unity of the Opposition parties. The CM also touched upon the strategies proposed by him in the Opposition's meeting to defeat the BJP. 

On the formation of an alliance to defeat the BJP, Stalin said, "Now, a coalition named INDIA has been formed in the Opposition meeting held in Bengaluru. I took part in the Bengaluru leg of the meet. INDIA has been formed to save India. We should save the country." 

To the question of whether issues may arise since rivals are a part of the coalition, Stalin said that the idea has been thwarted. He said that DMK has already proved on multiple occasions that political parties with different ideologies can be united for a common cause. 

Stalin said that BJP felt threatened after seeing the unity of the Opposition parties. The CM said that the unity of Opposition lies in the need to save the Constitution. He also insisted that everyone must be united at the national level to safeguard the oppressed and the underprivileged people. 

He said, "The BJP-led union government works with the idea that it can suppress parties by using Enforcement Directorate, CBI and other agencies. From this, BJP's fear of the coalition of Opposition is evident not only to journalists like you but to the people."

On the various strategies to defeat the BJP, the CM said that strategies would be announced as the election nears.

Stalin said, "Everyone should be united at the national level. I said that whichever party is strong in a state then the alliance should be formed under their leadership in that state. I also shared with the media that if oppressed and underprivileged people must be safeguarded then BJP must not come to power again."

 ALSO READ: ABP Exclusive: BJP's Countdown Has Started From Bengaluru, Says TN CM Stalin On 2024 LS Polls