Three people lost their lives in Tamil Nadu on Saturday as they inhaled toxic fumes after entering into a newly-built septic tank in a house in the Cuddalore district. Cuddalore Police lodged a case into the matter and an investigation is being carried out, reported news agency ANI.
More details about the incident are awaited.
A similar incident occurred last year in November wherein three sanitation workers were asphyxiated in Karur district and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) issued a notice to the Tamil Nadu government over the deaths reported during cleaning of a septic tank.
Taking suo motu cognisance of the reports published by media organisations that three workers were asphyxiated to death while they were cleaning a septic tank in the Gandhi Nagar area at an under-construction house in Karur district on November 15. NHRC issued notices to the State Chief Secretary, Director General of Police (DGP), and the Municipal Commissioner of Karur, calling for reports on the matter.
The NHRC asked the Chief Secretary to submit an action-taken report regarding fixing the responsibility or accountability of the authorities who entrusted the cleaning of those tanks at the construction site. It also asked for the details of compensation and rehabilitation provided to the next of kin of the deceased.
The notice read, "The report should also specify the awareness and sensitization camps initiated by the State Government to provide security covers to workers involved in hazardous cleaning of sewer/septic tanks etc., as well as the welfare schemes initiated or to be initiated by the State Government for such sanitary workers. Action taken report must also contain implementation of the Advisory issued by the NHRC on September 24, 2021, about the protection of human rights of the person engaged in hazardous cleaning and its outcome."