New Delhi: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced on Tuesday the commencement of a survey to enumerate the population of the Mahato community, addressing their longstanding demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status. Speaking at an administrative program, she further stated her government would also write to the Centre for the recognition of Sarnaism as a distinct religion, as advocated by tribal groups and asserted that if it is not given, she would start a massive demonstration.

Banerjee's recent announcements, particularly ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, are perceived as strategic move to woo the Mahatos and tribal communities to solidify her voter base in the Jangal Mahal region of the state's western part, which was predominantly won by the BJP in 2019. While acknowledging the Mahatos' enduring demand for Scheduled Tribe (ST) status, Banerjee clarified her government has initiated a geographical survey to determine the precise percentage of the Mahato population in West Bengal, highlighting the significant tribal population, which exceeds 6 percent in the state, reported PTI.

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"The Mahatos have a long-standing demand to declare them as STs. But, I will tell them that it is not in my hands. So, please do not blame me for it" PTI quoted CM Mamata as saying. CM Banerjee said she would look into the demands of the community, and make efforts to fulfil them.

"I don't want to create differences between the Mahatos and tribals, and don't want them to fight before the elections" she added.

The BJP won all five Lok Sabha seats in 2019 in the Jangal Mahal region that has a note-worthy population of Kurmis, which also includes Mahatos, and tribals. Kurmis led massive demonstrations in parts of the state last year, along with neighbouring Jharkhand and Odisha, demanding ST status. as per PTI.

Pointing to the legislation made by her government, the Bengal CM said that nobody would be able to snatch land from tribals. "Do not pay heed to the false promises of the BJP before the elections", she told the gathering. CM Mamata also urged the audience not to be swayed by the BJP's promises, highlighting their alleged tendency to make grand commitments before elections only to forget them afterward, reported PTI.