New Delhi: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday announced that the schools for students in standard 8 to 12 will reopen from February 3. Colleges and universities will also resume their offline classes from the same day. 

During a press conference earlier today, CM Mamata announced that the government has decided to lift some restrictions put in place to contain the spread of COVID-19.

Meanwhile, it was also announced that the workforce can be increased from 50 percent to 75 percent in private offices as the state's daily tally of new cases of infection is declining.

According to the CM's statement, restaurants, bars, and cinema halls can now operate at 75 percent capacity compared to the earlier 50 percent.

However, the night curfew in the state is being extended by an hour, instead of being in force from 11 pm to 5 am, now the curfew will remain in place from 10 pm to 5 am.

“Colleges and universities will also restart their offline classes from Thursday,” CM said. 

The COVID-19 cases in the state increased to 19,93,606 on Sunday after 3,427 more people tested positive for the virus, 85 less than the previous day's figure, the health department said in a bulletin.

The state recorded 33 new Covid fatalities which pushed the loss of life to 20,583.

On Saturday, the number of new cases and deaths were 3,512 and 35, respectively.