Two men were beaten up by the police in Uttar Pradesh, a video of which has gone viral. The incident took place in Bansi tehsil of Siddharthnagar in the state. According to News18, two constables at Bansi police station Satyavedi Singh and Adnan Sheikh are the ones beating up the two men. 

The reason for the police's actions remains unclear. In the video, one man is seen being kicked by a policeman while being held by the collar. When another man intervenes, two policemen slap and beat him while continuing to hold the first man by the collar.

Seeing the video, netizens condemned the attack and said the two men were harassed by the police. One netizen said that it was common to see Uttar Pradesh policemen beat people.

Earlier this year, traffic police personnel in Chevella, on the outskirts of Hyderabad, were caught on camera publicly thrashing two men. The footage, which went viral on social media, showed a traffic police inspector, identified as Venkatesham, and a constable, J Srinu, assaulting the men without provocation.

The video depicted Inspector Venkatesham approaching three men standing by the roadside. Without any clear reason, he was seen aggressively grabbing one of the men by the collar and beating him. The situation quickly escalated as Constable Srinu joined in, targeting another man in the group. A third officer, Keshav, was also present at the scene but did not intervene.


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