Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated multiple development projects worth over Rs 19,100 crore in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, on Thursday. In Bulandshahr. The projects span various sectors, including rail, road, oil and gas, urban development, and housing. The Prime Minister attended a public event in UP's Bulandshahr. Speaking during the event, he said that now it is time to give new heights to 'Rashtra Pratishtha' and the aim is to make Bharat a developed nation by 2047.  

Addressing a public event in UP's Bulandshahr, PM Modi says, "...Now it is time to give newer heights to 'Rashtra Pratishtha'...Our aim is to make Bharat a developed nation by 2047."

PM Modi said that he sounds bugle of development and there is no need to sound the poll bugle because the public does it for him. "I saw that some media channels were saying that Modi is set to sound the poll bugle (for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections) today. Modi sounds bugle of development...Modi doesn't need to sound the poll bugle, the public does this for Modi," he said.

The government's infrastructure investment comes right before the Lok Sabha Elections in 2024 slated to be held between April and May.

PM Modi will flag off two goods trains in Bulandshahr through a video link to inaugurate a 173 km electrified double-line between New Khurja and New Rewari on the dedicated freight corridor (DFC). This will connect the Western and Eastern DFCs and reduce the load on passenger train corridors by taking off freight train load.

The Prime Minister will also unveil the fourth line connecting the Mathura-Palwal section and the Chipiyana Buzurg-Dadri section. 

PM Modi will also dedicate multiple road development projects to nation. The projects include Aligarh to Bhadwas four laning work Package-1 (part of Aligarh-Kanpur Section of NH-34); widening of Meerut to Karnal border via Shamli (NH-709A); and four laning of Shamli-Muzaffarnagar section of NH-709 AD Package-II. The road projects. These road projects, developed at a cumulative cost of more than Rs 5000 crore will improve connectivity and help in the economic development in the region, according to an official release.

PM Modi referred to the Pran Pratishtha ceremony at the Ram temple in Ayodhya and said that he had stated that it is time to take the country's prestige to new heights.

"In Ayodhya, I had said in the presence of Ram Lalla that the work of Pran Pratishtha has been completed; now is the time to give new heights to the prestige of the nation. We have to further pave the way from 'Dev to Desh' and from 'Ram to Rashtra'. Our target is to make the country Viksit Bharat by 2047. The creation of a developed India is also not possible without the rapid development of Uttar Pradesh. For many years after independence, development was limited to only a few areas. A large part of the country remained deprived of development. Even in this, Uttar Pradesh, which had the largest population, was not given much attention because, for a long time, the governments here behaved like rulers," PM Modi said, as quoted by ANI.

"Today, western UP has received developmental projects worth over Rs 19,000 crore. The initiatives will include the upgrading of railways, highways, petroleum pipelines, water supply projects, sewage treatment, and medical colleges, among others. We have also inaugurated projects related to the cleanliness of rivers Yamuna and Ramganga," he added.

PM Modi also recalled the contributions of former Chief Minister Kalyan Singh, stating that the former state chief minister dedicated his life to both Ram and the nation. The Prime Minister said that work is on for two big defence corridors in the country, and one of them is being built in Uttar Pradesh.

"Today, the national highways are being developed rapidly in India. Many of them are being built here. When Jewar International Airport is ready, this area is going to get new strength. Due to airports and dedicated freight corridors, the goods manufactured in India and the produce of the farmers will be able to reach foreign markets more easily," PM Modi said, as quoted by ANI.