Tamil Nadu Governor R N Ravi delivered a strong message on Wednesday condemning discrimination against Dalits and urging for an end to such practices. In his Independence Day message, the Governor described social discrimination against Dalits as "abhorrent and unacceptable," emphasising that it must be eradicated without delay.

Ravi highlighted that Tamil Nadu is a state rich in human resources and is regarded as the "intellectual and spiritual capital of Bharat." However, he expressed deep concern over recurring reports of social discrimination against Dalits in schools, temples, and village festivals, labeling them as "extremely painful and hugely shameful."

"Such social discrimination is abhorrent and unacceptable. Dalits are our brothers and sisters. I earnestly appeal to you all to shun these discriminatory practices and embrace them with open arms," Ravi stated, as reported by PTI. 

He called on the youth, whom he described as his "hope," to lead the charge in eliminating untouchability and other forms of social discrimination. "We must remove the blot of shame of untouchability without any delay. Say 'No’ to all forms of social discrimination," he added.

In addition to addressing social discrimination, Governor Ravi spoke about the urgent need to tackle the menace of spurious liquor. He urged investigating agencies to ensure that those responsible for hooch-related tragedies are brought to justice and receive the harshest punishments possible. "It is imperative that investigating agencies ensure that the 'merchants of death' do not escape justice," he said, referring to those who produce and distribute illicit liquor.

Ravi pointed out the devastating impact of spurious liquor, particularly on the poor, noting that many families have lost their breadwinners, leaving women widowed and children orphaned. He specifically mentioned the recent Kallakurichi hooch tragedy in Tamil Nadu, where over 60 people lost their lives, and urged enforcement agencies and the public to remain vigilant against the supply of illicit alcohol. "I urge our mothers and sisters who suffer the worst to be proactive against drugs and illicit alcohol," he said.