Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday said that he thinks of leaving the post at times, but the chair of the Chief Ministership is not leaving him. The remarks came after a woman from Alwar said she wishes to see Gehlot as the chief minister after the assembly elections in the state due later this year, reported PTI. The remark holds significance as his tussle with Congress leader Sachin Pilot has been out in the open since the last assembly elections in 2018. 

"I sometimes think of leaving but the post of chief minister is not leaving me," CM Ashok Gehlot said, adding "Let's see what happens going ahead." 

The chief minister interacted with some organ transplant recipients through video conference on Indian Organ Donation Day. He also laid the foundation and inaugurated various medical institutions.  


‘Why Bringing Modi To State Elections?’: Gehlot’s Swipe At BJP 

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Thursday took a swipe at the opposition BJP and said that the local leaders of the saffron party are not capable of winning the assembly polls and hence are planning to contest the same on the face of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, reported PTI. 

Taking a jibe at former CM and BJP leader Vasundhara Raje, Gehlot asked why BJP was not projecting her face and why she did not attend the party's protest rally near the state secretariat in Jaipur earlier this week. 

"Modi is an international leader and 'vishwa guru'...why are you bringing him to the state assembly elections," he said, as quoted by PTI. 

"The CM face is sitting at home. She must have been made to sit at home." Gehlot said in a veiled attack at Raje. 

"She did not save my government. Vasundhara Raje and Kailash Meghwal had given their views that there is no tradition in our state to topple a government by horse trading. Was it wrong to say this? They were right and I just welcomed that," he said quoting recent controversy over his remarks. 

Notably, in May this year, Gehlot claimed that he survived the 2020 rebel by some Congress MLAs led by Sachin Pilot because Raje and Arjun Ram Meghwal refused to support the toppling of an elected government.

Rajasthan is set to go to polls later this year where Congress is in power. 

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