New Delhi: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday said reservations should continue for as long as discrimination exists in our society, news agency PTI reported. “Discrimination exists in our society even though we may not see it,” he said.

Speaking at an event in Maharashtra’s Nagpur, the RSS chief said certain sections in the society have been neglected for “2000 years” and were left behind in the social system. He said reservations should continue till such discrimination persists.

"We kept our own fellow human beings behind in the social system. We did not care for them, and it continued for 2000 years. Until we provide them equality, some special remedies have to be there, and reservations is one of them. Hence, reservations have to continue till there is such discrimination. We at the RSS give all support to the reservations provided in the Constitution," PTI quoted Mohan Bhagwat as saying.

He further argued that reservations are not just about “giving respect” and not only about ensuring financial and political security.

“If the sections of society which faced discrimination suffered for 2000 years, why cannot we (those who did not face discrimination) accept some trouble for 200 more years," PTI quoted the RSS chief as saying.

It is to be noted that Mohan Bhagwat's statement on reservations came amid protests in Maharashtra demanding quota for the Maratha community.

Meanwhile, the RSS chief said "Akhand Bharat" or undivided India will become a reality during the lifetime of today's young generation, PTI reported.

Replying to a question by a student at an event in Nagpur, Bhagwat, as quoted BY PTI, said, “If you go on working for it, you will see it materialise before you get old. Because the conditions are becoming such that those who separated from India feel that they made a mistake. They feel that we should have been India again. They think that for becoming India they need to erase the lines on the map. But it is not so. Being India is accepting the nature of India."