Rajkot Fire Tragedy: Gujarat Police on Saturday said that the Rajkot Chief Fire Officer and his deputy have been arrested in connection with the game zone fire tragedy in Rajkot that claimed the lives of 27 people. 

This comes after two employees of the Rajkot Municipal Corporation were arrested earlier this month for allegedly altering the documents pertaining to the incident. The total number of arrests made in the tragic incident stood at 12 persons including six government officials. However, now this number has increased to 14.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi also interacted with the relatives of some of the victims of the fire incident via video conferencing today. He told them that his party was with them, PTI reported citing party sources.

Congress's Gujarat unit president Shaktisinh Gohil was also present with Gandhi during the video conferencing. Congress MLA Jignesh Mevani and leader Lalji Desai were present with the victims' relatives.

On June 21, a Special Investigation Team (SIT), appointed by the Gujarat government to investigated the May 25 Rajkot game zone fire incident, submitted its interim report to Minister of State for Home Harsh Sanghavi.

The SIT suggested a few changes to be made in Section 33 of the Gujarat Police Act, which allows local police to grant premises license and ticket license to recreation facilities, PTI reported.

"We will not spare the guilty. The SIT probe is still on. We are currently investigating the roles played by senior police as well as civic officials," senior IPS officer Subhash Trivedi told PTI.

27 persons, including four children, lost their lives in the deadly blaze that engulfed the game zone located in Rajkot's Nana-Mava locality on May 25.

The grand old party has called for a 'Rajkot Bandh' on June 25, the day when the fire incident will complete one month.

ALSO READ| Rajkot Game Zone Fire: Prime Accused Dhaval Thakkar Arrested From Rajasthan