The Punjab government on Sunday inaugurated the 'Bhagwant Mann Sarkar Tuhadde Dwar' scheme, which translates to the 'Bhagwant Mann Government at Your Doorstep.' Launched in Ludhiana, the initiative aims to provide 43 essential services directly to the citizens' doorsteps. The launch ceremony saw the presence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Mann, who flagged off the scheme.

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, praising the initiative, remarked, "This is a revolutionary step, it should have been taken 75 years ago." He highlighted the transformative nature of the scheme, stating, "People will not have to go to (government) offices, stand in queues, take leaves from their offices, and give bribes."

"In 2018, it was launched in Delhi and today we have launched in Punjab. This is implemented only in two AAP-ruled states because we are honest people and we are not asking for bribes. Other governments set targets for departments to collect 'hafta' (bribe money)," he added.

Kejriwal congratulated the people of Punjab for electing an honest government as he emphasised the honesty and integrity of AAP governments.

Speaking on the occasion, Punjab CM Mann remarked, "Our martyrs were most worried about one thing, in which hands the country would go to after independence and what would be the condition of the people. They did not make sacrifices for people to then queue up at government offices and face bad administration."

"We have taken the light from the lamp of Delhi, which has been lit in Punjab today. Now people do not need to be harassed by government offices, their work or certificates will be delivered to them at their homes," he added.

'Bhagwant Mann Sarkar Tuhadde Dwar' Scheme

Under the 'Bhagwant Mann Sarkar Tuhadde Dwar' scheme, citizens can avail themselves of a range of services, including birth, marriage, death certificates, income and residence certificates, caste certificates, rural area certificates, pension-related services, electricity bill payment, and land demarcation. Almost all government services will be accessible through this scheme, with the exception of arms licenses, Aadhaar cards, and stamp papers, Malwinder Singh Kang, chief spokesperson of AAP's Punjab unit, said, as per news agency PTI.

People can now schedule appointments by dialling the helpline number '1076'. Once the appointment details are confirmed, individuals will receive an SMS outlining necessary documents, fees, and other relevant information, he informed.

Specially trained personnel will then visit citizens' homes or offices at the appointed time with tablets to complete necessary paperwork, collect fees, and provide receipts.  Digital copies of certificates will be sent to mobile phones, and hard copies will be delivered to their homes.

"This scheme will provide relief to the common people of Punjab as they will not have to visit government offices to avail civic services. Earlier, people had to visit government offices and stand in queues for hours," Kang said, as quoted by PTI.

"This scheme will also give people freedom from middlemen," he added. 

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