New Delhi: Hours after taking oath as the Maharashtra Deputy CM, Ajit Pawar on Sunday praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, saying "Country is moving ahead under PM Modi. He is quite popular and receives support even in abroad."

Addressing a press conference, Pawar said that more ministers will be inducted in the next expansion. "We took a decision to come with the Shinde-Fadanvis govt with almost all MLAs of NCP. We took oath and a few other ministers will be added in the next expansion."


"All the MLAs, MPs, and workers of the party (NCP) are with us that's why I took oath as Deputy CM," he added.

NCP leader Ajit Pawar joined the Shive Sena (Eknath Shinde) camp on Sunday and has been sworn in as the Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra. Pawar has also brought 29 MLAs from NCP to the Shinde faction in a big political move and has resigned as the Leader of the Opposition. 


"Today, we have decided to support the Maharashtra government and took oath as ministers. There will be a discussion on the portfolios later. Considering all aspects at the national level, we thought that we should support development," he said while speaking to the media.


He added, "Several people will criticise now a bit. We don't give value to that and we will keep working for the progress of Maharashtra and that is why we have taken this decision. Most of our MLAs are satisfied with this. We have supported this govt with NCP Party. We will contest all elections in the name of NCP only."


Apart from Ajit Pawar, eight other NCP MLAs have also been sworn in as ministers in the state cabinet. The names of the newly inducted ministers are Hassan Mushrif, Chhagan Bhujbal, Dilip Walse Patil, Dhananjay Munde, Aditi Tatkare, Sanjay Baburao Bansode, Anil Bhaidas  Patil and Dharmarao Atram.

Ajit Pawar's joining the Shinde BJP government is in a way making the BJP's side stronger. In such a situation, BJP is reaching the majority figure even without the support of the Shinde faction. At present, the government has the support of 166 MLAs, including 125 MLAs from the BJP and 40 from the Shinde camp. If 30 MLAs of the Ajit Pawar camp join hands with the BJP, it will have the support of 156 MLAs, which will be 11 more than the majority.