New Delhi: A day after two Punjab workers were killed in Srinagar, the Rashtriya Bajrang Dal (RBD) on Thursday staged a demonstration to protest against the latest targeted attack in Jammu and Kashmir.

Several political leaders condemned the attack and demanded stern action against the terrorists involved in the act, reported news agency PTI.

Former CM and JKNC Vice President Omar Abdullah said that targeted killings have increased in the past 2-3 years and blamed the BJP-led government for their failure to maintain law and order in the state.

"We are grieved that two people were shot in Srinagar... This is condemnable... These kinds of targeted killings have increased in the past 2-3 years... This shows that the situation is not as the government says. They said that all of this would stop as soon as Article 370 is abrogated... They cannot blame us now... This is their failure..," he told the reporters.

In the first targeted killings of the year, the terrorists on Wednesday shot dead two workers, including a Sikh, from Punjab, in Srinagar.

Amritpal Singh, a resident of Amritsar, died on the spot after he was shot by the terrorists from point-blank range in the Shalla Kadal locality, while Rohit (25), who sustained injuries in the firing, succumbed to his injuries in the hospital today.

Several RBD activists, led by their leader Rakesh Bajrangi, gathered in the city to protest against Pakistan and the terrorists. They burned the Pakistan flag and raised anti-Pakistan slogans, reported PTI.

RBD president Rakesh Kumar told reporters, "The targeted killings have begun again. Two non-locals, including a Sikh and Hindu, were killed in targeted killing. The aim is to create fear and force non-locals to flee Kashmir. This won't happen again." 

Kumar said that Pakistan and its terror infrastructure is trying to revive terrorism in Kashmir. "This is an attempt to create fear psychosis among the minorities in the valley. They will not be allowed to be successful again," he said, the PTI report added.

Jammu and Kashmir Congress working president Raman Bhalla has also strongly condemned the killings. He said that "a befitting reply should be given to the perpetrators of heinous crime on innocent people".

Bhalla said that Kashmiris are sick of death and destruction unleashed by radicals. "They wish to live in peace and pick up peaceful life and ensure no more Kashmiris or non-locals are killed by the terrorists. Kashmir calls for peace and sustainable inclusive development for the betterment of future generations," he added.

Gaurav Gupta, former general secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that terrorists have no regard for humanity and do not adhere to any religion.

He urged the police department to act swiftly and bring the perpetrators to justice without delay, reported PTI.