New Delhi: Ahead of the Rajasthan assembly elections, state Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will only have the right to campaign and ask for votes in the poll-bound state if he guarantees that the BJP will not discontinue the Congress government's schemes if it comes to power in the state.

Gehlot made the remarks while addressing a gathering at the start of his nine-day public outreach programme in Jaipur.

"I would like to request Prime Minister Modi ji that whenever you come next time, these days you are giving guarantee, so you give a guarantee that the schemes that we have started will not be stopped if (BJP) government is formed," Gehlot said at the interaction held at Birla Auditorium.

He further stated that Modi should say that the Old Pension Scheme (OPS), laws enacted by the Congress government, and the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme will remain. "PM Modi ji should say this here then he has the right to campaign here and ask for votes."

Taking a jibe at the prime minister, Gehlot said, "Marketing professionals are called gurus. Whether they are a guru or not, PM Modi is definitely a guru. He is a marketing guru in the entire country. You know his language, his style and speaking manner," Gehlot said, highlighting the achievements of his government at a rally on Monday in Jaipur, PM Modi had said, “I do what I say. Therefore, my guarantee has substance. This is the track record of the last nine years.”

Gehlot also hit out at the central ministers touring the poll-bound state, alleging that they do not have any job in Delhi as the prime minister has started a "new system where RSS functionary sits in departments" to get the work done.

"Anyways, ministers do not have any work in Delhi. For work, an RSS functionary has been made to sit in the department. Now, it is up to him and the secretary (to work). Modi ji has created a new system after independence," Gehlot said in a swipe at the prime minister.

Assembly elections in the state are due by the year-end.