Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray's son Amit Thackeray, who was stopped at Gonde toll plaza in Nashik's Sinnar, said that he had come to visit Shirdi and his vehicle was stopped despite having a Fastag. He further said that on asking the reason for stopping him, the staff misbehaved. "I had come to visit Shirdi, my vehicle had FASTag on it but I was stopped at the toll plaza. When I asked the reason to stop me, the toll plaza staff started to misbehave with me. I spoke to the manager about it, and he was also rude to me too," as reported by news agency ANI.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, some MNS workers allegedly ransacked a toll plaza in Nashik after Thackeray was stopped at it earlier, an official said, as reported by PTI. He was stopped at 9:15 pm on Saturday while on his way to Mumbai due to some mismatch in his vehicle's Fastag details, he said. At around 2:30 am on Sunday, a mob, allegedly MNS workers, ransacked the plaza and made a functionary there apologise. A video of the incident went viral on social media.

"A probe is underway into the incident and further action will be taken after CCTV etc is checked. We have not got any complaint (from toll plaza staffers) but a process to register a case is on," the Wavi police station official said, as quoted by PTI.

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