New Delhi: In a swipe at the BJP-led Uttar Pradesh regime, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday said her government takes strict action against illegal activities regardless of political colour, PTI reported. Speaking at a state government programme in Kolkata on the completion of one year of the party's victory in West Bengal for the third term, Banerjee said Bengal was better than other states in curbing crime, especially against women.
"Today in UP, if girls go to get justice, victims are made the accused. But here we don't do that. I don't even leave my own boys and girls (party workers) if they are guilty. But there are some who keep circulating fake videos," ANI quoted Banerjee as saying.
The TMC supremo's remarks come at a time when the government has also been facing criticism over a series of alleged rape cases.
"A tortured woman who has been trying to lodge a complaint has again been tormented in Uttar Pradesh. In Bengal, nobody dares to do something like this. Here, we take strict action against those involved in illegal activities without looking at political colour," Banerjee said, referring to the Lalitpur rape case.
In Lalitpur, an SHO allegedly sexually assaulted a minor girl after she was dumped near the police station by four youths following gang-rape.
READ | Lalitpur Rape Case: Absconding SHO Arrested In Prayagraj. NHRC Seeks Report In 4 Weeks
In the event, Mamata Banerjee also highlighted some of the flagship social schemes of her TMC government, saying she cared about "democracy for my people".
"It has been 11 years of our government. If anyone has guts, they can challenge and face me regarding what I have done in these 11 years. There is no use in talking against me, of misleading and hatching a conspiracy," the TMC chief said.
"I care about democracy for my people. Those who celebrate Durga Puja also celebrate Eid. We celebrate all festivals together," she further said.
Attacking the BJP-led central government for hiking prices of petrol and diesel, Banerjee said, "The Centre is defrauding common people through fuel prices".