New Delhi: Ahead of Raksha Bandhan festival, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Sunday hiked the financial aid given to women under the flagship 'Ladli Behna' scheme from Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,250 per month and also announced 35 per cent reservation for them in government jobs.

He also cited the holy month of 'Sawan' underway and announced domestic gas cylinders for Rs 450.

Assembly polls in the state are likely to be held at the end of the year. Notably, in Madhya Pradesh, women consist of 7.07 lakh of the 13.39 lakh new voters whose rise in numbers in the electoral list stands at 2.79 per cent against 2.30 per cent for men.

Addressing a Ladli Behna convention at Jamboree ground in Bhopal, the CM said, "Women will get cooking gas at Rs 450 in the holy month of Sawan. Later, a permanent system will be evolved in this regard. I have also transferred Rs 250 into the accounts of 1.25 crore women so that they can celebrate Rakhi (on Tuesday) well. The rest of the Rs 1,000 (under Ladli Behna Yojana) will be credited in September," he said.

He further stated that from October, 1.25 crore women will get Rs 1,250 (under Ladli Behna Yojana) and the amount will gradually be hiked to Rs 3,000 per month so that the aim of uplifting the economic and social condition of women is fulfilled.

The reservation for women in government jobs has been raised to 35 per cent from the current 30 per cent, while it will be 50 per cent in teachers' recruitment, the CM added.

According to data provided by the state government, a total of Rs 3,628.85 crore has been disbursed as financial assistance to eligible women through the Ladli Behna Yojana that started on June 10 this year.

As part of the scheme, women in the 23-60 age group get Rs 1,000 per month if they are not income tax payees and the annual income of their families is less than Rs 2.5 lakh annually.

Women voters outnumber their male counterparts in at least 18 of the 230 Assembly seats in MP, including in tribal-dominated areas like Balaghat, Mandla, Dindori, Alirajpur and Jhabua.