Veteran actress Radhika Sarathkumar recently spoke out about sexual harassment in the Malayalam film industry, revealing a shocking incident she witnessed on a film set. Speaking to a news channel, Radhika highlighted that such misconduct is not limited to just one industry but is prevalent across various film industries, including Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.

Radhika recounted an unsettling experience during a film shoot in Kerala, where she noticed a group of men laughing and watching something on a device. Upon closer inspection, she realized they were viewing a video. She said that when she inquired, a crew member reportedly told her that hidden cameras had been installed inside vanity vans, capturing footage of female actors changing clothes. The crew member further added that such videos could be accessed just by typing the name of the actress involved, as reported by Asianet News' "Namaste Kerala".

Deeply disturbed by the revelation, Radhika confronted the men and called out their behavior. However, she was met with a vague assurance that the matter would be "looked into."

The incident left a lasting impact on her prompting her to avoid using caravans for the remainder of the shoot. Radhika emphasised that she had seen the videos herself and directly confronted those responsible, but her concerns were brushed aside.

Expressing shock over the statement of Radhika Sarathkumar, RMP leader K K Rema said "What kind of cruelty is this... cinema world is fast becoming the biggest underworld... that is what we understand from all these allegations." 

Rema stated that women in the film industry generally consider caravans to be safer, and if they had access to the same facilities as men, they would feel more secure at shooting locations. However, the recent incident has proven this belief to be misguided, she added.


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