Thiruvananthapuram: With the Test Positivity Rate coming down to lesser than 12 per cent in the state, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said that the lockdown strategy would be changed from Wednesday. The lockdowns will be based on the rate of disease transmission. Higher the TPR rate, stricter the lockdown guidelines based in particular region.

"In the coming days, we will be coming out with the new strategy to be adopted on how Covid should be tackled and it could be centred around the actual places where there are higher number of cases," he said, noting that experts have warned of a third wave and "hence we all have to work together to ensure that we are not pushed into a third lockdown". 

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"No one need to be worried of a third wave as the government is fully geared to tackle it and we are working on how best we can do it, especially as there are talks of the children getting impacted," added Vijayan. 

There has been a constant increase and decline trends in Covid cases in Kerala since the first case in the country was detected. But the government has been handling the situation carefully without an outburst of cases. Kerala’s Covid scenario has been juxtaposed to the country’s situation, whenever the country had gone through a rough tide due to high incidence of Covid cases, Kerala didn’t need to fret much as the numbers were lower and vice versa. 

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Earlier in the day, Leader of Opposition V.D. Satheesan wrote to Vijayan, noting that things are getting out of hand on the economic front due to the lockdown that has been in place for more than a month and hence, steps should be ensured to see that economic activity should be resumed at the earliest.

Meanwhile, Kerala reported 7,719 new Covid cases, 16,743 recoveries and 161 deaths on Monday. With this, there are 1,13,817 active cases in the state. A total of 26,10,368 patients have recovered and 11,342 have died