The Karnataka Home Ministry turned the inquiry into the alleged derogatory remark row involving BJP MLC CT Ravi and Minister for Women and Child Welfare Laxmi Hebbalkar to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). The move has created a political turmoil with both parties sharing contradictory statements and the Legislative Council Chairman and BJP leader Basavaraj Horatti previously proclaiming the incident a "closed chapter" opposing police intervention.

The controversy began when Minister Laxmi Hebbalkar released a video accusing CT Ravi of using derogatory language against her. She alleged that she would never forgive Ravi for his alleged remarks. "I will fight and this Laxmi Hebbalkar won't rest until he is punished for insulting the women's community by using this derogatory word," she added, as per PTI.

Karnataka Home Minister G. Parameshwara explained that the decision to handover the case to the CID was made due to conflicting claims over whether CT Ravi used the derogatory term. Parameshwara emphasised that there was a need to initiate an impartial investigation to clarify the facts.

Parameshwara said, as per a report, said, "I don't want to comment much on it, I have ordered a CID probe, when the probe is on, one cannot comment or make a statement about it." 

Meanwhile, Belagavi Police Commissioner Ilda Martin clarified the police actions concerning the arrest of CT Ravi. Ravi had alleged police highhandedness, claiming he was taken to multiple locations throughout the night. Martin explained that Ravi was arrested under Sections 75 and 79 of the BNS Act. As large crowds had gathered near the Hirebagewadi police station, he said that due to security concerns, Ravi was later shifted to several police stations and was provided food, medical care, and other facilities during the process.

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