New Delhi: A fight between two groups from different communities in Panki town, which is in the Palamu district of Jharkhand, resulted in the suspension of internet access on Wednesday, reported news agency PTI. In light of the prevailing communal tension in the town, the Jharkhand government's department of home, prison, and disaster management issued a notice announcing a 24-hour suspension of internet services on February 15.

"The nature of the incident may lead to law and order breakdown in parts of the state and it was expedient to temporarily suspend internet services (all types) in the district of Palamu to prevent its use by miscreants to spread rumours," it said.

According to police, the altercation resulted in six injuries.

According to Inspector General (Palamu) Raj Kumar Lakra, the fight broke out because of damage to a welcome gate that had been installed in the Panki bazar area in preparation for the upcoming Shivaratri festival. The two groups engaged in brick batting and attacked each other with sticks.

Lakra stated that some individuals from both communities were taken into custody.

A senior police officer stated that the Palamu district administration has imposed prohibitory orders in Panki under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code as a result of the incident. The town's situation is calm but under control.

According to Chandan Kumar Sinha, the superintendent of police, sufficient police officers have been stationed in Panki to uphold order.

To restore order, senior police officers are camping in the town.

He added that senior government officials as well as Deputy Commissioner A Dode have reached the location.

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