At Rahul Gandhi's invitation, some women farmers from Haryana came to meet the Gandhis in Delhi. Upon meeting Sonia Gandhi, the women asked her when she will get Rahul married to which Sonia replied by saying, "You find a girl for him." Rahul while responding to the same question said, "It will happen." The group of women arrived at the Gandhi residence to express their concerns and raise the issue that they were facing. They were invited over at a luncheon hosted by Sonia Gandhi, a promise made by Rahul Gandhi during his recent visit to their fields, reported news agency PTI.

Congress shared a teaser of the trip on social media in which the women farmers could be heard asking about Rahul's marriage.

The group shared moments of joy and laughter with the Gandhi family. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra while talking about her childhood said that "Rahul was naughtier than her, but I got the scolding instead".

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On July 8, Rahul Gandhi made an impromptu stop at Madina village in Sonipat where he interacted with the locals there and spent time with farmers working in agricultural lands. He participated and helped the farmers in sowing paddy and also drove a tractor. During this visit, he promised to invite them over to Delhi for a 'Delhi Darshan' as they said they had never visited the national capital despite living so close. He also called Priyanka Gandhi and made her talk to the farmers and listen to their concerns.