The Haryana government on Tuesday announced a temporary suspension of mobile internet services in the Nuh district until August 11, as reported by news agency ANI. The decision comes amidst ongoing tensions and communal clashes in the district. Additionally, the curfew imposed in the area is set to be relaxed from 9 am to 1 pm on August 9 (Wednesday), according to a notification issued by the Nuh District Magistrate.

A delegation of the Haryana Congress, consisting of 10 members, was halted by the police while en route to visit violence-affected areas in Nuh. The delegation, led by Haryana Congress chief Uday Bhan, was stopped just before entering Rojka Meo village due to the prevailing curfew and security concerns. The Congress members were subsequently unable to proceed with their visit, news agency PTI reported. 

READ | Haryana: 9-Member Congress Delegation Stopped From Visiting Violence-Hit Nuh After Police Deny Nod

The recent communal clashes in Nuh have led to a total of 312 arrests and 106 preventive detentions. Haryana's Home Minister Anil Vij stated that 142 First Information Reports (FIRs) have been registered across multiple locations, including Nuh, Gurugram, Faridabad, Palwal, Rewari, Panipat, and Bhiwani.

The clashes initially erupted in Nuh following an attack on a Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) procession by mobs, resulting in the deaths of six individuals, including two home guards and a cleric. The violence subsequently spread to Gurugram, prompting concerns about the situation's escalation.

Opposition parties in Haryana have criticised the BJP-JJP government, alleging that the communal violence in Nuh reflects a failure in governance. As tensions persist, the government's actions to restore order and ensure the safety of residents remain under scrutiny.