A fire broke out at a hospital in Ahmedabad's Sahibaug area in Gujarat early Sunday morning. According to officials, around 20-25 fire tenders are present on the spot to douse the flame and 125 patients have been evacuated, as reported by agencies. Fire Officer Jayesh Khadiya said the blaze broke out in the second basement of the hospital. He said that a call was received at around 4:30 am and that no casualty has been reported yet. According to PTI, the fire official added that renovation work was underway at the hospital and several items stored in the basement caught fire leading to massive smoke. The reason for the fire is yet to be ascertained.

"Fire fighting teams are working to control the blaze. Smoke continues to emerge from the basement of the hospital where the fire broke out," police inspector MD Champavat told PTI.

He added, "Nearly 125 patients have been evacuated and shifted to different hospitals as a precautionary measure."

He said that firefighting teams are working to control the blaze, adding that smoke continues to emanate from the basement where the fire broke out, he said. As per PTI, the hospital is run by a charitable trust.  

Champavat said that around two dozen firefighting vehicles were rushed to the spot after they received the information. However, he said, the cause of the fire was yet to be ascertained

"Fire broke out at the second basement of Rajasthan Hospital. We got a call around 4:30 am. The reason for fire is yet to be ascertained. Some renovation work was underway in the basement. There is no casualty reported, patients have also been asked to evacuate. Around 20-25 fire tenders are at the spot," Fire Officer Jayesh Khadiya earlier said.

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