New Delhi: Punjab farmers, led by the Samyukta Kisan Morcha, held tractor rallies across various locations on Friday to emphasise their demands and "remind" the government of the commitments made during the repeal of the contentious farm laws, news agency PTI reported.


The Samyukta Kisan Morcha, an umbrella organisation representing multiple farmer unions, has been advocating for a legal guarantee of Minimum Support Price (MSP) for crops.

Tractor rallies were held in Sangrur, Jalandhar, Mohali, and other places, where the farmers also paid tribute to those who lost their lives during the protests against the now-repealed farm laws.

Harinder Singh Lakhowal, a prominent farmer leader participating in the rallies, stressed the longstanding demand for the implementation of a law ensuring MSP for crops. He reiterated that the purpose of the rallies was to remind the government of the assurances made during the repeal of the farm laws. "We also want a loan waiver and guaranteed MSP. The government had promised to double farmers' incomes but instead our loans have doubled and we are not getting adequate prices for our crops," he told the news agency.

The farmers taking oart in the rallies were also seeking justice for the victims of the violence in Uttar Pradesh's Lakhimpur Kheri, PTI reported.

Balbir Singh Rajewal, a senior farmer leader, highlighted that rallies took place at nearly 100 locations, spanning tehsils and district headquarters. He issued a warning that if their demands are not met by February 16, a Bharat 'bandh' or nationwide strike would be called.

The tractor rallies serve as a collective assertion of the farmers' concerns and a call for the government to address their grievances, particularly in the areas of MSP, loan waivers, and justice for victims of violence during the protests.

Apart from MSP, the farmers are demanding a loan waiver and a guaranteed MSP, expressing dissatisfaction with the government's failure to fulfill its promise of doubling farmers' incomes.