Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that AAP government would open 100 special mohalla clinics for women. Children below 12 years and women will get free of cost treatment, inlcuding gynaecological services, tests, and medicines, at these facilities, Kejriwal said.
Aimed at boosting primary healthcare in the national capital, the mohalla clinic system is one of the flagship initiatives of the Kejriwal government.
Inaugurating four 'mahila special mohalla clinics', Kejriwal told PTI, "Four mahila mohalla clinics, special clinics for women where gynaecological services, tests and medicines will be available free of cost for them and children under the age of 12 years, are being opened today."
Tweeting in Hindi, Kejriwal said: "Good news for the women of Delhi. Another new initiative is going to happen in the national capital’s world-class health services from today. The government is going to start a special 'Mahila Mohalla Clinic' where women will get services of a gynaecologist, tests, medicines, and tests free of cost."
The doctors and staff at these facilities will be women and 100 such clinics will be opened in the first phase.
The goal of the Kejriwal government, as stated in the Delhi government's Budget, which was submitted to the Assembly on March 25 was to open 1,000 Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics (AAMC). As on December 2021, 520 AAMCs out of the 1,000 are already functional.
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On an average, each mohalla clinic handles 116 patients a day and together a total of over 60,000 patients a day.
(With inputs from PTI)