New Delhi: The national capital Delhi's daily Covid-19 count increased to 699 on Sunday with a positivity rate of 21.15 per cent, citing data from the Delhi government that indicated 2,014,637 cases, reported news agency PTI. In the city, four COVID-19 infected individuals died. However, one case of COVID-19 was listed as the primary cause of death in the health bulletin.

The total number of COVID-19 cases in Delhi now stands at 20,14,637. According to the bulletin, 26,540 people have died.

On Saturday, there were 535 COVID-19 cases in Delhi, with a 23.05 percent positive rate.

On Friday, the capital saw the most cases in more than seven months with 733, with a positivity rate of 19.93 percent.

There was one fatality and 606 cases reported on Thursday, with a positivity rate of 16.98%.

With a positivity rate of 26.54 percent, the highest in nearly 15 months, Delhi added 509 cases on Wednesday. The positivity rate had reached 30% in January of the previous year.

The announcement states that 3,305 COVID-19 tests were carried out in Delhi on Saturday.

Cases In Maharashtra

According to data from the state health department, Maharashtra reported 788 new COVID-19 cases and one fatality on Sunday.

In the state, the number of infections rose by 246 in the last 24 hours.

The total number of cases and deaths in the state increased to 1,48,459 as a result of the new additions.

On Friday, 926 cases of COVID-19 were reported in Maharashtra, with three fatalities and 542 on Saturday.

Sunday marked the sixth consecutive day that the city of Mumbai had at least 200 infections, with 211 new cases recorded.

The sole casualty because of Coronavirus related inconveniences was accounted for from Ratnagiri region under the Kolhapur circle, a health department official said.

With 560 patients recuperating from Covid contamination as of now, the general count of recoveries rose to 79,96,883, leaving the state with 4,587 active cases, a health department bulletin said.

In Maharashtra, the COVID-19 fatality rate is 1.82 percent, while the recovery rate is 98.12 percent.

According to the bulletin, the state has tested 10,059 swab samples in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of tests conducted thus far to 8,67,04,363.

The COVID-19 numbers for the day in Maharashtra: New instances: 788, Deaths: 1; Current Cases: 4,587, Tests: 10,059.