A 33-year-old man was shot at by a gunman in Bihar's private hospital which created a ruckus in the health facility. A police official while talking to the news agency PTI on Friday said that the incident occurred on Thursday evening in the Town Thana Police Station limits of Arrah city. The official said that when a man went to a hospital in order to get her pregnant wife admitted there, the accused opened fire at him. The victim identified as Rangnath Chouhan is now in stable condition, according to the Town Thana Police Station House Officer Sanjeev Kumar, reported PTI.

Sub Inspector Anil Singh who was present at the hospital said, "The injured is being treated. Further investigation is being done."

An FIR into the matter has been lodged at the police station after the CCTV footage of the incident went viral on social media platforms.

The injured is a resident of the Gaurichak area in Patna. He sustained three gunshot wounds and was taken to another hospital for treatment, said SHO while talking to the media. He said, "The accused has been identified. The injured man has undergone an operation and two bullets have been removed. The investigation is on and the CCTV footage is being scrutinised."

He added that the police have launched a search operation to find the accused and arrest him, reported PTI.

Just two weeks back in another similar incident, a journalist working with Hindi daily Dainik Jagran was shot dead in Raniganj market area in Bihar's Araria. The deceased was identified as Vimal Kumar Yadav.