West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief Mamata Banerjee on Thursday announced that Kiriteshwari village in the Murshidabad district of the state has been selected as the best tourism village of India by the Centre. The competition saw 795 villages from 31 states and Union Territories take part in the Best Tourism Village Competition, 2023. The Chief Minister congratulated the people of the village for the achievement.

The awards will be given away by the government of India on September 27, in New Delhi, the CM further said.

Taking to X, formerly Twitter, Mamata Banerjee wrote,  "Glad to share and announce that Kiriteshwari in the Murshidabad district of West Bengal has been selected by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, as the Best Tourism Village of India. The selection has happened in the Best Tourism Village Competition,2023, from among 795 applications received from 31 States/ UTs. MoT, GoI will give away awards on 27th September in New Delhi. I congratulate the people of the village. Jai Bangla!

Meanwhile, Mamata reached the UAE on Thursday morning, after a "successful" tour of Spain. The West Bengal Chief Minister is scheduled to attend a series of meetings, including a business summit, reported news agency PTI, citing a state government official.

"The chief minister reached the UAE early this morning. She will be staying there for the next two days and will attend a series of meetings, including a business summit. She will also meet a group of NRIs," the official said.

Banerjee, will stay in Dubai till her planned return to Kolkata on September 23.