Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) national convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, arrived in Patiala, Punjab, alongside Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann and Health Minister Balbir Singh. The visit marked the inauguration of a specialised unit at Mata Kaushalya Hospital and the launch of the 'Swasth Punjab' campaign at the New Polo Ground (Aviation Club) on Patiala-Sangrur Road.

"Today is a very important day for Punjab," Kejriwal said at a rally, "as on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a health revolution is beginning in the state."

"Government services will soon be delivered to people's homes in Punjab. The state will launch a similar doorstep delivery service facility system to that of Delhi. People will no longer need to go to government offices to get their work done; officials will come to your home to work for you," he added.

"If anyone is ill, all treatments, tests, medicines, and surgeries will be provided free of charge," Kejriwal said during his visit. "Approximately 600 'Mohalla Clinics' have been established in Punjab over the last year. The emphasis is now on improving secondary and tertiary-level hospitals. Hospital renovations are currently underway with the goal of providing free healthcare services. "In phase one, we plan to transform 40 district hospitals while investing Rs 550 crores," he is heard saying in a video posted by news agency ANI.

Punjab CM Mann elaborated on their health guarantee initiative, stating, "In line with our health guarantee commitment, we have established Aam Aadmi clinics in Punjab, inspired by the Mohalla clinics in Delhi. Currently, there are 664 operational Aam Aadmi Clinics in Punjab. We are now directing our efforts towards district hospitals and Primary Health Centre (PHC) facilities. With a project budget of Rs. 550 crores, we have adapted and implemented the successful Delhi model in Punjab. In the coming 6-7 months, we anticipate that 80% of Punjab's hospitals will undergo upgrades, modernization, and improvements," he was quoted as saying by ANI.