New Delhi: The Union Health Ministry has directed the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh to begin free medical treatment of patients in Punjab who hold the Ayushman health card after ABP News highlighted the plight of patients who had to go to private hospitals for medical treatment as they were not getting free medical facilities in the government hospitals in the state. 

The Government of Punjab still owes Rs 15 crore but given the problem of poor patients, the central government has ordered to start of free treatment again in PGI.

As per the directions by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Health Ministry, free medical treatment to Ayushman card holders is being resumed from today, said Vivek Lal, Director, PGI Chandigarh. He further said that the Punjab government has not yet received the dues adding that he has been sending reminders to the government and still urged to clear the dues of PGI quickly.

The remaining two major hospitals of Chandigarh have also stopped the treatment of Ayushman cardholders of Punjab as per ABP News sources. 

As per the report quoting Punjab Health Secretary Ajay Sharma, the dues will be paid to PGI in a week adding that the government owes Rs 300 crore under this scheme. Earlier he had said that the matter was with the Finance Department and hoped that the dues would be cleared within a week.

On Thursday, ABP News reported the plight of Ayushman cardholders of Punjab who had to face difficulties as PGI was not offering free medical services to them forcing them to go to private hospitals for treatment.