New Delhi: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday registered a complaint with the Election Commission against Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal. The complaint accused Badal of violating its directives by making a child raise slogans in favor of his party during campaign activities. Led by Punjab Finance Minister Harpal Singh Cheema, an AAP delegation submitted the complaint to Punjab Chief Electoral Officer Sibin C. 

In the complaint, Cheema accused Badal of making a child raise slogans in favor of Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) during his 'Punjab Bachao Yatra' in Raikot on April 6. Allegedly, Badal handed the microphone to the child, prompting him to address the gathering with slogans like 'Shiromani Akali Dal Zindabad' and 'Vote for Akali Dal', reported news agency PTI.

He said that Badal's action was a clear-cut violation of the directions of the Election Commission, which in its February 5 letter, had refrained the political parties from using children in election campaigns. Cheema urged the Election Commission to take stringent action against the SAD president to set an example. 

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He further said said it also a violation of the mandate of the judgment of the Bombay High Court in its Order dated 4th August 2014 (Chetan Ramlal Bhutada vs State of Maharashtra and others) which stressed the need to ensure that political parties do not allow participation of minor children in any election-related activities.

Akalis Looted State: Cheema 

Labeling Badal's 'Punjab Bachao (Save Punjab) Yatra' as 'Parivar Bachao (Save family) Yatra,' Cheema lambasted the SAD, and alleged,  "when the Akalis were in power, they looted the state and created many mafias. Now when people see them for who they are, they have been rejected".

"To save their family's political career Badal is doing this 'yatra' where he does not even follow proper guidelines or laws", Cheema alleged, as per PTI.

The AAP delegation included party leader Harchand Singh Barsat, Anandpur Sahib candidate Malvinder Singh Kang, and Tarunpreet Singh Sondh.