New Delhi: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Saturday said that 8,134 people have been identified as accused in 4,047 cases related to child marriages in the state. Sarma told reporters that till Saturday morning, 2,211 persons have been arrested in the crackdown initiated by the state government, reported ANI.
"We will have to arrest around 3,500 people," the CM added.
Earlier in the day, Assam police said that it arrested a total of 2,170 persons involved in cases related to child marriage. According to ANI, Assam police spokesperson Prasanta Kumar Bhuyan confirmed the details and said, "Assam police have so far arrested 2,170 persons involved in cases related to child marriage till today morning. The number of arrested persons will increase."
In the Biswanath district, the police arrested 139 persons in 97 registered cases. Biswanath SP Navin Singh said, "We had registered 97 cases related to child marriage in Biswanath district & have so far arrested 139 persons."
In Assam's Karimganj, police arrested 79 persons in cases related to child marriage. "So far, Police have arrested 79 people related to child marriage in the district," Karimganj SP Padmanabh Baruah said, quoted ANI.
Since the state cabinet resolved to take action on January 23, the police had registered 4,047 incidents of child marriage in less than a week, with the arrest of offenders and the simultaneous beginning of a comprehensive awareness campaign.
"About 2 months ago, CM HB Sarma had told police that he had got inputs that child marriage was rampant in the sta&directed Police to carry out a probe. During the last 2 days, 4,074 cases across different districts of the State. Till 3 pm today, 2044 people arrested till now," Assam DGP Singh was quoted by ANI on its official Twitter handle.
"52 priests and Qazis involved in child marriages have been arrested so far. The maximum number of people have been arrested from Dhubri, Barpeta, Kokrajhar, and Biswanath districts," he further stated.
Earlier in the day, Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that he has asked the Assam police to act against the menace with a "spirit of zero tolerance".
"State wide arrests are presently underway against those violating provisions of Prohibition of Child Marriage Act. 1800 + have been arrested so far. I have asked @assampolice to act with a spirit of zero tolerance against the unpardonable and heinous crime on women," he had tweeted earlier in the day.