In a groundbreaking move, the sport of Muay Thai is gearing up for a major transformation with the announcement of the World League of Fighters (WLF), a unique franchise-based league that seeks to elevate Muay Thai to a global platform. The WLF, in collaboration with the prestigious World Boxing Council Muay Thai, is set to introduce an unprecedented league-style competition, with potential expansion to various combat sports.
For the first time in the world of combat sports, the WLF will feature a franchise-based league tournament showcasing the talents of the top 20 male and female MuayThai fighters globally. These international combat sports stars will be organized into four franchises, engaging in a round-robin format to vie for the coveted WLF WBC Title Belt.
Co-founders of World League of Fighters, Rajesh Banga and Sunil Matthew, expressed their vision, stating in an official statement: "We aim to amplify the global popularity of martial arts and boxing, fostering a love for combat sports internationally. The World League of Fighters provides the perfect platform to achieve this, forming a historic partnership with the World Boxing Council MuayThai to bring together the most epic show in the ring's history. Showdowns don't get more epic than this."
In a bid to enhance the appeal of combat sports, WLF will integrate sports with entertainment, featuring world-renowned international artists holding concerts inside the arena each night after the intense Muay Thai action. The innovative tournament seeks to blend combat sports with entertainment on a global scale, attracting fans worldwide to boost international tourism.
WBC Muay Thai Secretary General Kevin Noone commented: "The collaboration between WBC MuayThai and the World League of Fighters (WLF) marks a positive stride for the MuayThai industry and the world of combat sports. We believe that the WLF team will provide an invaluable platform and pathway to success for emerging and established MuayThai talents."
The World Boxing Council (WBC), a key force in driving combat sports worldwide for over a century, brings its legacy to the forefront in this historic partnership with WLF. The collaboration promises a revolution in the realm of combat sports.
Thanapol Bhakdibhumi, WBC (WBC) MuayThai President, emphasized the significance of this league-styled competition, stating, "A league-styled competition of this scale and magnitude is exactly what is needed to give the combat sport a shot in the arm and turn the spectacle and excitement around it up several notches. With live music concerts, this will be an unprecedented event and will be a show of guts and glory. Whoever will dare to enter the battlefield will win!"