New Delhi: India’s tennis sensation Sania Mirza, who married Pakistan cricketer Shoaib Malik six years ago, appeared on television show “Yaaron ki Baraat” hosted by Bollywood director Sajjid Khan. The 30-year-old tennis player graced the show with her close friend from Bollywood – Parineeti Chopra.

In a candid interview, Sajid Khan asked Sania if her future child goes on to become a sportsperson which country will he/she represent.
"I would like to ask you on behalf of every individual in India and Pakistan, you have been married for six years now, now God-willing you will have kids. If your child goes on to become a sportsperson, will he represent India or Pakistan?"

To which Sania had a fitting response. "Honestly, we have never had a discussion on this topic. We actually don't know. May be he would not be involved in sports, but become an actor, or a teacher, or a doctor. That's a far thought. I am very proud to be an Indian and he is very proud to be a Pakistani. But together we are very proud to be husband and wife,"

The Hyderabad born tennis ace represents India at the international level and currently ranked World No.1 in Women Doubles. While, Shoaib Malik continues to play for Pakistan national team.