London [United Kingdom], March 27 (ANI): The United Kingdom anti-doping agency (Ukad) has fallen victim to a cyber attack.

Ukad holds details of thousands of sports stars' drug test and medical records, including that of Premier League footballers, high-profile cyclists and well-known Olympic athletes.

According to The Independent, the cyber attack was however unsuccessful and no data breach was reported.

"I got in with the rest of the staff, and we were told that there had been a security breach over the weekend," The Independent quoted a source as saying.

"My interest was piqued by the fact that our team wanted to get out in front of the story, especially in light of Fancy Bears from a few years ago."

In 2016, the Russian-based hacking group Fancy Bears attacked the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and leaked some medical data from it.

It largely named players who had sought Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs), which allow athletes to take banned substances for verified medical needs. (ANI)

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