New Delhi [India], Feb 27 (ANI): The United States Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos opened an investigation into how Michigan State University (MSU) is handling the reports of sexual violence against former employee, Larry Nassar.

Nassar is a former MSU sports doctor sentenced to decades in prison for sexually assaulting young patients and crimes related to child pornography.

According to Secretary DeVos, the new Title IX investigation will look at "systemic issues" in the University's handling of "sex-based incidents involving Dr. Larry Nassar", stated an official release by the U.S. Department of Education.

"Our Office for Civil Rights team will be in East Lansing shortly where they will join the Federal Student Aid team already on site. FSA is currently performing a Clery Act compliance examination regarding MSU's reporting of crimes committed on campus," he further stated.

"I appreciated seeing acting President Engler's directive to the entire University to cooperate fully with our-and with all-inquiries into the University's actions. We expect MSU's full and complete disclosure about its actions to protect students from sexual assault," the U.S. Secretary of Education continued.

He even termed the crimes, for which Nassar has been convicted, as "unimaginable" and hailed the "bravery" shown by the "survivors".

"My heart goes out to them as they have had to relive their horrific experiences and as they begin the long road to healing. Every student across every campus should know that I am committed to ensuring all students have access to a learning environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination and that all institutions that fall short will be held accountable for violations of federal law," he added. (ANI)

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