New Delhi: The shocking and sudden demise of Australian legendary cricketer Shane Warne on Friday left the cricket world in mourning. The 52-year-old passed away in Thailand due to a suspected heart attack.

Emergency medical staff and Shane Warne's friends performed CPR on the ex-Aussie spinner after he suffered a heart attack but failed to retrieve him, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, former Indian spinner Anil Kumble revealed how Shane Warne "looked after his friends" when playing against the Australian cricket team.

“His greatness magnifies because he played really well against India. He wanted to do really well against us because we were good players of spin. There was this series in 1998 where everybody was speaking about 'Sachin vs Warne'. Warne got the better of him in the first innings, and then Sachin got the better of him in the second,” said Kumble on Star Sports during a special segment on Warne.

"There was this secret, an untold secret about the Australian team, that they will not go after a cricketer if you are friends with Shane Warne. So when you went out to bat, and if you were friends with Warne, you didn't get any banter from the Aussies. So when I went to bat, Aussies didn't need to do any banter to unsettle me. That was Warnie, that was how he looked after his friends," added Kumble.

Warne captained Rajasthan Royals in the inaugural edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) after retiring from international cricket and won the cup. Rajasthan, then, was touted as one of the underdogs in the tournament.

Warne also found success as a commentator and was considered among the sharpest analysts of the game.