Kolkata: Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan waved and showered flying kisses to fans off the pitch as his team Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) battled it out against Kings XI Punjab (KXIP) at the Eden Gardens here on Wednesday.
Nearly halfway through KKR's innings, Khan -- clad in a white T-shirt and sporting a beard -- was first flashed on the giant screen having a balloon fight with son AbRam.
He later realised the loud Eden cheers were for him and the "Dilwale" star acknowledged the love by standing up and waving.
SRK with is son AbRam. (BCCI)
The superstar then took AbRam on his lap and playfully hit him on the head with the KKR balloon.
Earlier in the day, Khan had tweeted about his arrival which was also his first 'home match' this season.
"Practising our dance moves lil AbRam and me as we prep for our first match in Kolkata. Ami Kolkata here we come... see you all at the Garden," SRK posted on Twitter.