Delhi Capitals' senior bowler Ravichandran Ashwin had announced he is 'taking a break' from the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2021 to support his family that was struggling with the dreaded Covid-19. Ashiwn recently opened up on his decision to withdraw from IPL 2021 midway.

The Indian star off-spinner recalled the difficult time and said that he had sleepless nights for 8 to 9 days, he was too much worried about his family's safety as almost everyone in Ashwin's family got infected with Coronavirus. Ashwin said that he was also thinking whether he would be able to play cricket again or not.

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Eventually, BCCI decided to postpone IPL 2021 after multiples Coronavirus cases were reported inside IPL bio-bubble.

"Almost everyone from my place had got affected due to Covid. In fact, few of my cousins also got admitted and were serious and they somehow recovered," said Ashwin on his Youtube channel.

"I couldn't sleep for almost 8-9 days. Since I couldn't sleep, it was really stressful for me. I was playing matches without getting any sleep. And since I found it really taxing, I had to quit IPL and go home midway.

"In fact, when I left, around that time, I had thoughts on whether I will be able to play cricket thereafter. But still, I did what was required at that point of time."

Ashwin revealed that after his family members started getting better, he considered returning to play for Delhi Capitals in the tournament but the T20 League was eventually suspended.

"I thought there won't be any cricket for some time. Even IPL got postponed. In between, when people in my house started recovering, I thought of coming back into the IPL and that's when IPL was called off," he added.