New Delhi: Controversy rocked the ongoing seventh edition of the Pakistan Super League (PSL) after Australian all-rounder James Faulkner announced to abandon the T20 League and his team Quetta Gladiators midway, citing payment issues.

The 31-year-old, who is a one-time World Cup winner, took to Twitter to make the controversial announcement about him withdrawing from the T20 tournament, alleging that the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) didn't honour his contractual payment and continued to lie to him during his stay in Pakistan.

Reacting to the controversy, ex-Pakistan skipper Salman Butt slammed Faulkner and said the Aussie all-rounder should have been taken into a two-day custody for his misbehavior.

“He threw his helmet onto a chandelier and destroyed hotel property. He also misbehaved with people over there. According to me, James Faulkner should have been taken into two-day custody. It could have been life-threatening. There were people standing there and anything untoward could have happened. There should have been a police case on him. His behavior was below average, to say the least. PCB shouldn’t have let him go scot-free. I feel the cricket board should have handled this matter legally," Butt said on his Youtube channel.

PCB issues a press release, reacts to Faulkner's comments

“In the seven years of the Pakistan Super League, no player has ever complained about the nonfulfillment of the PCB’s contractual obligations,” the statement read.

“In December 2021, Mr James Faulkner’s agent confirmed the offshore United Kingdom bank details to which his fee payments should be transferred. This was noted for action.In January 2022, for reasons best known to Mr Faulkner, his agent sent revised banking details of Mr Faulkner’s onshore account in Australia. However, the contracted 70 per cent of Mr Faulkner’s fee payment was transferred to his offshore UK bank account. The receipt of this payment was acknowledged by Mr Faulkner.

“Accordingly, payments due to Mr Faulkner as per his contract are fully up to date. The remaining 30 per cent of his contractual payment only becomes due 40 days after the completion of the Pakistan Super League 2022, which now remains a matter to be reviewed in line with his contract.

“In spite of the money being transferred and received in his account, Mr Faulkner continued to insist that a second duplicate payment of the same amount be made to his account in Australia. This meant Mr Faulkner would have been paid twice. He further threatened and refused to participate in his side’s match against Multan Sultans on Friday afternoon until his money demands were met.

“The PCB, as a responsible organisation, engaged with Mr Faulkner early Friday afternoon in an attempt to reason with him. Despite his reprehensible and insulting behavior during the conversation, Mr Faulkner was assured that all his grievances would be addressed. He refused to reconsider his decision to take the field in a crucial match for his side, let his team down and demanded that his travel arrangements be immediately made.

“During this time, the PCB was also in constant contact with his agent, who was regretful and apologetic. Prior to his departure on Saturday morning, Mr Faulkner caused deliberate damage to the hotel property and as a result had to pay damages to the hotel management. The PCB later also received reports and complaints from the immigration authorities that Mr Faulkner had acted inappropriately and abusively at the airport.”