After three high-octane months of thrilling kabaddi action, VIVO Pro Kabaddi Season VI has reached its culmination, with the grand finale scheduled today in Mumbai. Last season’s runner ups Gujarat FortuneGiants take on Season 2 runner ups Bengaluru Bulls for their maiden title in Season VI of VIVO Pro Kabaddi Season.
Table toppers of Zone B Bengaluru Bulls sealed their position in the finals when they beat Gujarat FortuneGiants in the first qualifier with a 41-29 victory. Gujarat fought back in the second qualifier to beat UP Yoddha to set up the title clash.
Looking forward to their maiden title, Manpreet Singh, coach of Gujarat FortuneGiants and Season 3 Winner with Patna Pirates said, “This is the finale of VIVO Pro Kabaddi League Season VI and it doesn’t get bigger than this. Last year, we were very close to winning the trophy, and this year we are better prepared. We are excited and so are the boys to take the trophy home. In the second qualifier, both Sunil and Sachin were in great form and this team of young talent are really focused on winning the trophy.”
Gujarat FortuneGiants captain Sunil Kumar said, “Season VI has been very special for me, for the first time I have captained a team and led them to the finals. We have displayed immense teamwork throughout the season and we are looking forward to lift the trophy. In the previous match against Bengaluru Bulls we made a few mistakes and those will not be repeated, we are tightening our defense which will be a good support and encouragement for our raiders to score points. We will be playing Bengaluru Bulls for the third time, both Rohit Kumar and Pawan Sehrawat are great players and we are really looking forward to the match tomorrow.”
Losing in the finals of Season 2, and spending 3 seasons rebuilding the team, Randhir Singh, Coach, Bengaluru Bulls said, “When we initially began the season, not many were confident that this team would reach the finals, today I am proud of the players who have made it this far. Now that we are here, we will definitely go for the win. The team and support staff have worked extra hard over the past few days to ensure that victory is ours.”
Rohit Kumar, Captain, Bengaluru Bulls said, “It has taken Bengaluru Bulls to get back to our best and we will not let this opportunity go. We have reached the finals and the aim is to take the trophy home. We are focusing on strengthening our raiding and tightening our defense because while Gujarat is a young team one cannot underestimate their gameplay. They have played well through the season and we will surely give them a tough fight in the finals, we are looking forward to meet them on the mat tomorrow”
Pro Kabaddi League 2018 Final: Bengaluru Bulls take on Gujarat FortuneGiants in the final of the PKL Season 6
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
05 Jan 2019 06:28 PM (IST)
Last season’s runner ups Gujarat FortuneGiants take on Season 2 runner ups Bengaluru Bulls for their maiden title in Season VI of VIVO Pro Kabaddi Season
Pro Kabaddi League 2018 Final: Bengaluru Bulls take on Gujarat FortuneGiants in the final of the PKL Season 6
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