New Delhi: Amid escalating Shami-Jahan feud, Pakistan based Alishba, who has been accused of carrying out wrongful financial transactions with the cricketer at a hotel in Dubai on Sunday spoke for the first time over the allegations. Breaking her silence, Alishba refuted all the charges made by Shami’s wife Hasin Jahan and termed them baseless.

In her first ever interview since the fiasco came into the spotlight, Alishba termed Shami as an honest and genuine person. Defending Shami over the charges of infidelity and domestic violence and match fixing, Alishba said that the allegations were to malign the reputation of the cricketer. Alishba also elaborated on how the interaction between both of them started and the story behind their suspicious meeting in Dubai hotel.

“I started following Mohammed Shami on social media (Instagram) and from there we both became friends. I am just a normal fan like others. Initially I used to message him but he never responded. During Eid in June, for the first time he replied to one of my messages and from there we became friends and started interacting regularly, Alishba told Samachar Plus in an exclusive interview.  

“When you are a fan of a celebrity, you wish to meet your idol in person. I got to know that Shami will be in Dubai while returning to India from South Africa. It was mere coincidence that I was also there because I had to go to Dubai to visit my sister. I met Shami in a hotel. We also had breakfast together and spoke for an hour,” Alishba added.

Refuting all the allegations of match fixing, Alishba asserted that she was stunned when she heard about the charges and how wrongly her meeting with Mohammed Shami was interpreted.

“Our meeting had nothing to do with match-fixing. I have no clue and was stunned to hear how our meeting was connected with match fixing. All the allegations related to match fixing are false and baseless,” said Alishba.