Budapest: After winning their Group F match against Hungary, Portugal captain seemed visibly annoyed at the presence of Coca-Cola bottles during the press conference. He took matters into his own hands and moved aside the Coca-cola bottles that were kept in front of him. After doing this, CR7 shouted in Portuguese to "Drink Water!". 

This move by Ronaldo has affected the market value of Coca-Cola. A Spanish news organisation reported that the beverage company suffered a dip of more than 4 billion US dollars.  "Coca-Cola shares dropped from 56.10 dollars to 55.22 dollars almost immediately after Ronaldo's gesture, meaning the company's value fell from $242 billion to $238 billion," said a report in Marca, the Spanish news organisation.

The 36-year old, who recently became the all-time highest goal scorer of Euro, is a fitness freak and is followed by millions around the world. His simple move costed such huge losses speaks volume about the player. 

Let's take a look at the incident before moving ahead. 

Cristiano Ronaldo Doesn't Allow His Son To Consume Soft Drinks!

It's true! The fitness-freak football player from Portugal demands a certain level of discipline from his son when it comes to food habits. In an old interview, Ronaldo had affirmed that he has advised his son to not consume junk. He said, "I am hard with him sometimes. Because he drinks Coca-Cola. I am pissed with him, I fight with him because he eats chips." 

It's no secret that Ronaldo wants his son to become a footballer and has trained him personally. But the expectations of CR7 can be a little extra sometimes. "We have to be strong. He is a big boy. He has potential.. he is fast and dribbles well, but this takes a lot of dedication and hard work.. sometimes I ask him to go to the treadmill and run a bit, and then ask him to go in the cold water. When asked to do it again another day, he becomes lazy," Ronaldo said in the same interview. 

"I am not going to push him to be a football player. I want to be a football player, yes! But he can be whatever he wants to be. He just has to be the best," Cristiano concluded. 

But Why Does Ronaldo Abhors Aerated Drinks?

  • Aerated drinks are mostly made of sugar fructose which after entering the body does not lower your hunger hormone, which in turn makes you hungrier and wanting to consume more calories. 

  • Consumption of soft drinks increases the level of fat in your body, which might affect the liver too. 

  • Sugary sodas can also be the cause of the Type 2 Diabetes problem. 

  • These drinks do not have any other nutrients making them utterly useless for your body. 

So, Cristiano Ronaldo is not entirely wrong, you see. 

