During an Instagram Live session on Saturday with Dinesh Karthik, Hardik Pandya opened up on controversial 'Koffee With Karan' episode. The all-rounder said he was never a coffee drinker and the one he had proved to be too costly for him. The controversy led to both Hardik and KL Rahul being briefly suspended from the Indian team.

"I don't drink coffee, I drink green tea instead. I drank coffee only once and proved to be too expensive for me. I can bet that Starbucks would not have such an expensive coffee. Since then I stay away from coffee," he said in the live chat which also featured his brother Krunal.

Notably, both the cricketers had submitted written apologies to the board and assured the board of never repeating the conduct that could not only harm their image but also put question marks on the game itself.

Pandya also said he would be okay with IPL 2020 being played behind closed doors.

"It will be different. We are used to playing in front of them as the feeling of competition comes with the crowd," said Pandya in an Instagram live chat with Dinesh Karthik.

"I've played in the Ranji Trophy without crowds, and it feels different. To be honest, if that [IPL behind closed doors] happens, it will be a smarter option. At least people will be entertained at home," he said.